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Report a Concern

The Township of South Glengarry is committed to continuous organizational improvement where all feedback is dealt with fairly in a respectful, transparent fashion. 

Please fill out the form below to report a problem or concern in the Township of South Glengarry and a response will be provided within 1-2 business days.

To report a By-Law concern, please fill out the By-Law Complaint Form HERE

To report an Infrastructure concern, please fill out the form HERE (snow removal, dust, ditching, signage, drainage, pot holes, trees, streetlights, water related issues etc.)

For after hour emergencies please contact:

  • Township Roads Emergency: 613-930-3445
  • Water/Wastewater Emergency: 613-551-4457
  • County Roads Emergency: 613-930-3578


Would you like to provide a location where you encountered the problem?
Would you like to provide a photo for this feedback?
Would you like to receive an update when this problem is addressed or resolved?
Preferred method of contact:

Please note, this form is not monitored 24/7. A response will be provided within 1-2 business days.  


Personal Information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be kept confidential and used for the purpose of responding to your request.

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