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South Glengarry CIP

Community Improvement Plan (CIP) 


The Community Improvement Plan provides eligible property owners financial grants to improve the appearance of their lands and buildings in accordance with guidelines contained in the CIP and adopted by Council. 

Have you ever heard the saying "A picture paints a thousands words?".  The CIP is designed to help people like you make their property more attractive and in turn enhance the appearance of the entire Township!

The CIP is a tool to help municipalities encourage building/property improvements to privately owned land and buildings to enhance underutilized areas, stimulate development, and encourage revitalization within communities. 

CIP Goals:

  • Facilitating change

  • Stimulate economic growth

  • Assisting property owners with repair, rehabilitation and redevelopment projects


The CIP Application form will take between 25-45 minutes to complete.  To help make the process easier, please make sure you have the following information ready:

  1. Your property roll number which can be found on your tax bill.

  2. All contact information.

  3. At least two quotes that detail the same scope of work.

  4. Photos of your property now.

  5. Have touched base with the Township to ensure your project is eligible for funding.

The following page will provide you with answers to some common questions.  If you require assistance, please email and Include CIP in the subject line.


All Set?  Let's get started on enhancing your property/business!

Contact Us